Frequently Asked Questions

Check out the section below for some frequently asked questions

Why is Keeping Hope Alive claiming that they are not helping the needy when their volunteers are doing charity work?

At Keeping Hope Alive, our volunteers go door to door knocks to talk to the residents, listen to them, observe their living conditions and understand within our abilities what we can offer to improve on the resident living conditions. This is only upon the acceptance of the residents and we will not impose on what we feel we can do or we want to do for them without their permission.

Every individual has their own unique living habits and also their personal pride. If knowing that certain actions we take can transform the resident live for the better but the resident is resistant against it, we will find ways to explain and convince them to give us a chance to do it for them.

After completion, our volunteers will always thank the resident for giving us a chance to become a better person because we had learnt how to explain, convince and transform their living condition for the better.

How do I join Keeping Hope Alive as a volunteer?
How should I prepare myself before turning up for Keeping Hope Alive event as a volunteer?
Why Keeping Hope Alive does not collect cash contribution?
What time does your event ends or can I leave earlier if I have other commitments?
What can I donate to Keeping Hope Alive?
How do I go about donating items to Keep Hope Alive?

Other Questions?

If you cannot find answers to our questions in our FAQ, you can always contact us! We will answer to you shortly!

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